Blackheads are a common problem that a lot of people face….. the most prone area’s is the ‘t’ zone of the face.
Although scrubbing the skin is an excellent way to get rid of the top layer of blackheads, the only way to fully get rid of them is to remove the blackhead from the pores.
Here is a lovely homemade remedy for a natural blackhead remover.
The only two ingredients you need is ½ a Lemon, and 3-4 drops of Honey.
• Get half a lemon or a full lemon and chop in half.
• Put the 3-4 drops of honey onto the sliced lemon.
• Now simply rub the lemon on your face. It needs to be rubbed for a good few minutes, and try and concentrate lemon onto the blackhead prone areas.
• Leave the lemon and honey mixture onto the face for about 5 minutes.
• Wash off the mixture with cold water…………… simple
You should be able to see results instantly